Friday, March 24

Beau Travail

Really what is the meaning of work and when does it become beautiful. Is it in the content? or is it in the practice? I think I have had it all wrong for quite a while. I was content at just being at work
What I have lost in my work is a sense of process and sense of challenge. I am not working on problems I am just creating them and i think what this has done is separate me with the relevancy of my work.
I have fallen into an abyss of self-gratification. There needs to be a critical aspect to the work, otherwise it is just seen as craft. Craft is a process that exists indefinitely, spiralling into and through society. Art is different in that it exists as dependent on society, as a seperate entitiy. It needs capital and industry, attention and a mode to exist in.
In a way I see it to need an egg to exist within. It needs a formally structured holding chamber from which it can be showcased, attributed and boasted from and upon.
My work has become a series of visualizations that only exist in the false and tepid imaginations that I have. They have little effect and impact in the breathing world and that said I think I have just as hard of a time manifesting these prob-jects because of my divorce with the practical and manual. The image in my head is far different than that which I can create with my hands, in fact making these things with my hands for the first time.
There needs to be a consequence to the project's arrival. I need a place and a schedule and a mode for investigation. I need a stance and problems which I have confronted and faced. Investigated and created with or without. I need to have this sort of strict agenda, otherwise the whole thing is a sham, as explained above.
  1. studies
  2. investigations
  3. critical analysis
  4. formation
  5. presentation

I think this will be the model I will use for my projects. This will be the first draft in an ongoing project of drafts for a work schedule.


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