Thursday, February 23

It is this cleaning detergent that is the most used product on the market which has the least amount of choice between brands and kinds. A false statistic that I would believe states that 95% of the people of Canada use toothpaste at least once a day, and of that group over 82% use one or more of only 3 brand names.
So if I was ever wanting to plan a mass event of any sort I think using toothpaste would be the correct means.

Tuesday, February 21

The How of Cigarette Addiction

There is no doubt in my mind that there is something that we do not know about this affliction. In Michael Mann's The Insider I think they allude to studies about what makes cigarettes both harmful to one's health and addictive. Now there is no doubt of the chemical treatment of tobacco. But where and how does this happen? What do they do and what don't we know.

I have the solution. They make the smell stick. The tobacco is treated in a way that allows it to stain whatever it touches, and it is the smell that is addictive. It makes so much sense. Think about how cigarettes are smoked, with the mouth, which is immediately south of our noses. And if our noses are as sensitive as everyone says, what better place to begin the addiction. The smell is addictive. Now I am not sure how that is possible, but is it probable.

How hard would it be to make a smell addictive? Perhaps there is an irritant built into the smoke, which encourages a consistant supply of the stimulant. Like it requires to be fed. How hard would it be.

Monday, February 13

I was leafing through Vampires by Jalal Toufic today in the special Collections at SFU today. It was a recommendation by Laura Marks. It was a history of the dead traced through video and film. And although Vampires are used and suggested, it is not exclusive to the undead. It had this feeling of putting together alot of loose ends. Like placing words atop of frayed edges of images and ideas. I find it funny how much of a deep knowledge he has of film and video. It plays into the book. Because that is what we have here. It is not an essay or thesis. It is a book of adventure and conjecture. Listing no less than the most abhorrent or abstract (be it on the popular or ancien-kick).

I have to see a pile of these films. It is the next thing I have to do . Raffi Mahseredjian
awaiting another airport memory. Or perhaps the fat and heaviness from and to an older time.

Like passion.

Don't you hear the sound of love echo while
exiting the Cumberland- walking down a tunnel
reserved just for us.
Don't you know that is
what they call love.