Well I can say i never thought this would happen. I was pleased to be duped by my group yesterday into a surprise Bachelor Party in Panama. I cant say enough of the look on my face when I walked out of the elevator into a mob of my whole PDP group. The elevator opened and I was surprised, but it did take me a moment to realize that the party was for me. Damn.
After being wrangled into going to get an ass shot of antipiotics with my friend Charlotte, I was then brought to my favorite restaurant to have my favorite dish. 
It started by being wrangled into going to a clinic with Charlotte and getting a shot in the ass for the second day ina row. Poor girls bum looks like a shooting range, but I have not seen it. So after that I was escorted, still unaware of the surprise that was awaiting for me. Andy, Olivia and Charlotte then went for a great dinner at Restaurante Machu Pichu and had an awsome dinner. Corvina al aijo. Which is Sea Bass in Garlic Sauce. Delicious. With a couple of cloves of garlic and lotsa butter (mantequilla).

Then after a drink or two at the place, we were on our way out the door, and when the elevator hit the bottom floor. I couldnt believe to see the whole crowd there, flash bulbs bursting and a sea of blue and pink t-shirts.
It took me a moment to realize that this whole thing was for me, at the time it felt more like a prank. Then when I saw my name on the t-shirts and a couple of tiaras I realized what was going on. It was a bachelor Party and shit I had no idea.
It turns out there were several slip ups in the few days and the day of. People had dropped hints inadvertantly and am sad to say I still had no idea. It turned out, that at the time the whol group had thought that I had caught on. And good on me, casue I tell you I had no idea and now that I look back, kinda like movies like "the sixth sense" and the "usual suspects" I did not catch on till the end of the movie. 

So I was given my shotglass on a string, a plastic cup that lit up with flashing LED lights and a t-shirt which translates basically as, actually I forget, a fancy plastic hat and get this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! a PARTY BUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. It is basically a emptied out old-school decommissioned school bus.
All the seats are taken out except for a thin bench running around the outside and it is turned into a dance floor, complete with some handles hanging from the ceiling and a couple of poles in the centre. The windows are taken out and the air gets to circulate inside, and the best part was there was a bar inside.
It was an all you can drink bar with SECO and Rum on board, with TOnic water and or clubsoda. And as you can see in the pics, the open topped cups we had sucked as the drinks were spilling everywhere. The music was pumping, all good of course, as the bus goes along at about 10 miles an hour as we all danced inside. As Olivia said today, its kinda like an INSTA-PARTY. We had a few people from Panama on the bus too which really upped the stakes, they danced like villans.
It looks like everybody had a good time, and Anne was there too busting out moves here and there.. I had a shit-eating grin on my face for the whole ride. I had never been given a surprise party before and wow are they fun or what. 
I have to thank everyone for making it such a fun night. It was great to celebrate together the end of classes, the closing days of our trip together and damn, my upcomming nuptuals. I hope being married is this much fun.

Marina I wish you were here for this one, but then again I dont think you were to be invited to this one.So after the long bus ride to where we had to go we ended up at a club on the Cause way named Bamboo. For the most part we were ripe for a steady dance floor and more space to dance
. I had to really go to the bathroom so the last little bit on the bus was a bit painful. So gettin there was a real relief. We got to the club and turned it up a notch. I danced witheveryone on a crowded dance floor, the mood was great, two for one drinks and salsa all the way. Everyone was looking at us there like we were crazy, all the tiaras the tshirts the dancing, we really sparked it up.
Then back on the bus to drop off some of the crew and we then went to a Karaoke club. Only a few of us made it there because it was getting kinda late and the bevys were plenty.
Again we took center stage as the music began playing. Now I dontknow how we got to the front of the stage but we stayed there the whole night, and as I turned out to look at the audiece at times, I could see them all staring. Looking at us like "what the hell is going on here".
The karaoke was enjoyable but they seemed to be real selective aobut who could sing and who could not. I got on the stage to sing Loosing my religion, I dont think I picked the song. But after a few lines of drunken indulgence, i was gonged off the stage by a hooded MUCHA LUUCHA, with a trumpet. He rang on a little ditty that basically ended the performance. Our whole group was unable to finish even one song. SOmething tells me he had it in for us. We all then went to the casino for food. I had enough by that point and hit the sack. But man what a great time. I have to say there are good parties but the great ones are the one that are in my favour.
Andy: you are a friend that i found in the strangest place, mucho respeto
Charmaine: thanks for all the dancing
Christa: woot, and thanks for retrieving the hat
Carmen: thanks for your questions with Ray, and being so adamant
Kristi: i still want to hear what you said, i couldnt understand a thing
Lyndsay: acrobatic bus dancing, should be a sport and you ought to get a gold
Olivia: thanks for bringing over your liquor and gettin me wasted
Breanne: shits and giggles and someone else who remembers the 80's
Erin: i saw you dance and dance and dance, girl you go
Erika: thanks for the performance, you were plugged in all night
Jen: no t-shirt and a yawn, but hanging in till the bitter end, thanks
Michelle: thanks for the salsa dancing lesson
Charlotte: thanks for all the photos and executing a well-orchestrated diversion
Inya: you were as cute as a button with that tiara on
Evelyn: thanks for all your help with the t-shirts
Anne: thanks for allowing a party bus in the end and dancing up a storm on the bus