Friday, November 3

Here are some images to accompany my last entry.
This is a great image of a couple of the students from my Grade 4 Class. They are posing in the field in the back of their school. They are all quite tight in theis class. This group I found really stuck together. The one in red in the back is Leivis and was one of the head marchers in the parade I was in today.

This is a shot down the stairs from the classrooms into the cafeteria area and the
gym area where the kids eat and play. It is all open concept without walls, it is
quite a scenario when it rains.

This is a shot of the soccerfield in the school. Notice the gravel.
I am proud to say that I scored a goal on my last day there. I ran and cheered, my class was there to witness it. At least I had my moment of glory,before my roomate Andy gets there and really shows em how it is done.
This is another shot of the gym-soccerfield and where they connect.

This is Kristi, Lyndsay, Jen in the black hat and our trusty companion Robert, during our last day at the school. It was Halloweèn.


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